A la antigua usanza de Degas, retratando mujeres en el baño, con la excepción de que esta vez si aparece el rostro de Kyla.
Seguimos con influencia cubista hasta cierto punto dándole prioridad al contorno y al color, como en el fauvismo de Matisse.
I was born in Mexico City in 1980, I have not taken classes at any school, but I read some books on painting and just keep the guidelines of the great masters "want to learn painting, then go to a museum and copying the great masters you see there "(Cezanne)," Do not do what others do, do not do what I do, do what you want "(Moreau)," Only when copies nauseum your stove pipe will be able to speak paint (cezanne), "The things I can not say with words, uses painting (Picasso)," I like to do...
See more information about Edgar Rodríguez Tadeo