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La pintura muestra a una chica de caracteristicas africanas con un collar de buzios como amuleto de la suerte conjuntamente con un crucifijo como amuleto tambien de la suerte y trenzas amarradas con elasticos de color tipicos de Jamaica originariamente de Etiopia de donde proviene la cultura Rasta
Born in Santiago deChile octubrede 2, 1963.
Self-taught, early on I felt a strong attraction for the painting I was lucky enough to find in this long journey of artist friends who always learning something new like when you get a recipe from someone you know and then you go and experience , well so is my art has been formed, based on travels and chance encounters in my work there Afro-Indigenous unainfluencia very strong because of personal experiences with those two groups travez...
See more information about Javier Subiabre H.
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