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Esta obra habla de la destruccion que hay en nuestro mundo, la falta de amor, el como nos destruimos unos a otros, la fiera que hay dentro de nuestro ser, el orgullo, el egoismo, la maldad, es como nos tratamos el decir el que me la hace me la paga, es por ello tanta muerte y odio lo demuesro en mi estilo abstracto.
In 1997, Daniel Larios and Carlos Loaiza, through the graffiti was how they met and made a beautiful friendship at the age of 12 and 13. Daniel was part of a group called "BE" which means "remember me eternally in the street" and Carlos was a member of another youth group dedicated to urban graffiti also known as "SNA" which means "the new art in the street" both used to graffiti the area of their lives, soon realized the artistic potential that God had given them and decide to get rid of...
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