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Foto tomada en la cercanía de Santiago de los Caballeros, en la República Dominicana. La Guajaca es una planta silvestre que se enreda y cuelga de ciertos árboles, como si fueran barbas, con tallo filiforme, hojas muy alargadas y flor de tres pétalos. Convenientemente preparadas, las fibras de esta planta se usan para rellenar colchones.
Photo taken in the proximity of Santiago de los Caballero, in the Dominican Republic. The Guajaca is a wild plant that is entangled and hung of certain trees, as if they were heavy hair, with filiform stem, leaves very extended and flower of three petals. Properly prepared, the fibers of this plant are used to fill up mattresses.
Luciano Comba,was born in Torino (Turin), Italy, lover of nature and beauty, in the broadest sense of the word, living and working since years in Santo Domingo, captivated by the landscapes and colors of the tropics.
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