© All rights reserved
Año: 2007
Formato: 85 x 85x 7 cm
bronce, madera de ebano, resina de epoxi
Are de los libros author of poems Dels reflections, edited by Rural Housing Vinaròs, Instant varat ed. UPV i L \\ \'accent amb les coses that IUDs (unpublished). S co-author de los libros seguientes: Francis Badia, sculpture. Anthology 1939-1999 chapter: Stigmata of her memory; Richard Boix: i dibuixos sculptures. Anthology: 1924-1992 Chapter: El testimon d \\ \'un discret sculptor, sculptures dues war against it; Rafael Pérez Contel capÃtulol el del La insili crossing. También ha...
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