Date: 2005
Size: 70x100 cm
Material: Paperboard, water-color (casein).
Can be found: Budapest, Hungary
Owner: Artist's property
Exhibitions: D-Galéria (Dégáz Atrium) Szeged, Hungary - 2005; Ateliers Pro Arts: A. P. A. - Budapest, Hungary - 2005.
Szilamér Nánay — painter
Studio address: 38. Tisza Lajos krt., H-6720 Szeged — Hungary.
S t u d i e s
Secondary School of Arts and Applied Arts — Budapest, 1966–70
Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts — Budapest, 1974–79
His teachers at the Academy: István Eigel painter, Károly
Plesnivy` painter and tapestry–designer, at the grammar–school:
Jenô Benedek Jr. painter, at the primary school Endre Terescsényi
took care of his talent. He is a member of the Hungarian
Alliance of Designers &...
See more information about Szilamér ( Nánay