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150cm x 150cm
Colección: "GREY WORLD" - Serie limitada de 10 ejemplares con certificado firmado por el autor -
Impresión directa sobre plafon rigido de 4 cm de grosor con cantos negros -
Otras medidas disponibles.
Collection: "GREY WORLD" - Limited edition of 10 copies with certificate signed by the author --
Print on rigid plafon 4 cm thick with black edges --
Other measures available.
Italian-born photographer with 30 years of international experience, based in Barcelona, ??shares the advertising and fashion work with digital art.
Degree in photography from the Institute of Design (Milan, 1978)
combines his profession with his passion for art. In his country is preparing two books and several exhibitions in B & W.
Since 1990 he is interested in the color and digital techniques.
See more information about Claude Guerra
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