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Óleo sobre lienzo 100 x 73 cm
Una búsqueda incesante
a donde uno no elige llegar,
un intento frustrado
de poder el cielo tocar.
Un ángel está cerca,
un ángel tocó mi obra,
un ángel grita mi nombre
y no veo ni su sombra.
La esperanza no se pierde,
buscando el cielo seguiré,
un ángel grita mi nombre,
yo le escucho y le encontraré.
Obra para el Concurso Internaciónal de Pintura y Exposición Colectiva Emilio Nadal, Enero y Febrero de 2011 en Alfara de la Baronía -España
I was born in 1980 in Cartagena (Spain) and despite having always love the draw gave way to painting almost by accident.
After making a few works I discovered how rewarding it is to paint and I decided to study Fine Arts and continue painting, learning and enjoying the painting.
Self-taught artist so far, I think of moving, improving with each piece (touching various topics, ...), learn various styles of each artist, remember every advice, try to capture on...
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