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La Chancleta de palo
Perteneciente a la Serie Objetos Flotantes, la chancleta de palo fue un objeto artesanal confeccionado con una goma de cámara de coche o automóvil, clavada en una madera a modo de calzado. Producto de la original inventiva e improvisación cubana frente a la necesidad se construyó para ser empleada al ir a bañarse, sobre todo en las áreas rurales. También fue fuente de inspiración para ¨El Baile de la Chancleta¨, con gran éxito en grupos de aficionados a la danza en los años 70.
The wooden sandals
Floating Objects belonging to the Series, the slipper was a handmade wooden object made with a rubber car camera or car, stuck in a wooden shoe mode. Product of the original Cuban ingenuity and improvisation against the need was built to be used to go swimming, especially in rural areas. He was also the inspiration for Chancleta dancing with great success in amateur groups to dance in the 70s.
ARTISTIC CURRICULUM CARMELO GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ. Artist, writer, graphic design and advertising, cartoonist and photographer. Born September 20, 1956, in La Havana, Cuba. Her parents engravers and painters: Ana Rosa and Carmelo both leading figures of the Cuban plastic arts of the twentieth century, standing in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana. Since 1976 works as a cartoonist (comic artist) in the Directorate of Publications PRENSA LATINA, there happens to be performed...
See more information about Carmelo ( Carmelohijo). González Gutiérrez
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