Esta obra tiene la particularidad de que suele confundir a los espectadores devido al reflejo de la otra orilla del rio. Fue expuesta en el 2009 en la galeria del Hotel Parque Central, Cuidada de la Habana, Cuba.
Pedro Pablo Domnguez the pea. Born October 5, 1988 in the town on October 10 in the province of La Habana, Cuba, a descendant of a family of few economic resources without transcendence of painters. Between ten and fourteen years participating in various painting workshops for children, one of them was the workshop Josde Luz y Caballero. Then at the age of fifteen he entered the School of Art Instructors Eduardo Garcia Delgado in the municipality Boyeros. No major progress during the race and...
See more information about Pedro Pablo Dominguez de la Peña