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Pintura a Pastel sobre papel Canson por Jim Barber Hove. 41 x 52 cm (16?x20.5?)
Los mejores tiempos para pintar son bien muy temprano o bien muy por la tarde. Es entonces cuando la luz del sol cosquillea nuestro ambiente natural despertando en ello un raudal de intenso y cálido color. Las primeras y las últimas horas de cada día son momentos de fantasía y magia y nuestro ser vibra con sensibilidad y se desinhibe deseoso de empaparse en la gloria de la Creación. Hasta el sabor del aire cambia e inhalamos a tragos su delicioso paladar. Son momentos para crear. Sí, para crear melodías románticas, cuentos de hadas, obras sinfónicas, novelas y poemas de intensidad o pinturas que inmortalizan las maravillas de nuestro entorno.
Vi esta imagen fotográfica en Google y me enamoré de ello. Tiene uno que rendir honores a los valientes que toman el tiempo y aguantan la soledad, la lejanía de la civilización y el estar por horas en la intemperie esperando el momento perfecto para hacer disparar el obturador para recrear una imagen hermosa. Estos sí son héroes y les debemos siempre el agradecimiento profundo y sentido. En este caso, lamentablemente, no hubo indicación de autor pues, aunque quisiera agradecerle personalmente, no se pudo. Tanto me impresionó la foto que no pude aguantar las ganas de recrearla en pastel. Espero haber hecho justicia a la obra fotográfica original.
Pastel Painting on Canson paper by Jim Barber Hove. 41 x 52 cm (16?x20.5?)
The best time to paint is very early or very late in the day. Then is when the sun?s light tickles the natural environment thus awakening a torrent of warm and intense color. The first and the last hours of every day produce moments of fantasy and magic. They cause our very being to vibrate with sensitivity and to become uninhibited and to desire to soak up the glory of Creation. Even the taste of the air seems to change and we fervently gulp it into our lungs. These are times for creating. Yes, times for creating romantic melodies, fairy tales, musical symphonies, profound novels and intense poems, or paintings that immortalize the marvels of our surroundings.
I saw this photograph in Google images and I fell in love with it. We should honor the valiant people who take the time and suffer the loneliness of being isolated from civilization. Those adventurers that pass long hours, unprotected in the outdoors, waiting for just the right moment to click the shutter thus recreating an image of beauty. They definitely are heroes and we will always owe them the deepest and sincerest appreciation. There was no indication of authorship for this magnificent photo. So even if I wished to express my gratitude there was no way. The picture did certainly impress me enough so that I couldn?t help recreating it in Pastel. I hope to have done justice to the original photograph.
Since I can remember I have had an urge to express myself artistically. As a young student, I was interested in sports, singing and theater. In my years at West Bend High School, I was selected to sing in the school choir, to play trumpet in the school band and to act in the school musical productions.
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