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Collage compuesto por 4 fotos, de abajo-arriba: 1ª foto desde la entrada hacia el interior de la mina de ocre, 2ª amapolas de alrededor, 3ª y 4ª, piedras y paisaje del entorno.
Ruta de la Mina Trinidad-Primavera-2007
Hello, welcome, or to the space.
Among other issues, mainly I am interested in photographing landscapes, animals, still life and create digital images. I like oil painting some of the pictures I do, I have also added a small collection of paintings, some of my attempts to paint various parts of Malaga, Cordoba and others.
Whatever the reason, it surprises me every day the natural light, consider it a privilege to capture it with the camera, a great human invention-use film...
See more information about M.Carmen Burgos