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sin duda el arte no conoce fronteras ni tiempo ni minutos vividos es arte es algo que esta ahi es algo que nos hace vivir en un momento concreto que nos hace separarnos de la salvaje naturaleza sin duda la cualidad fundamental que nos diferencia es la facultad de abstractizar el mundo conocido seguro que desde el exterior el universo nos observa con admiracion y envida observandonos desde otros mundos o otros planetas.
I was born in 1979 in Mieres Asturias but my life was spent in San Andres de polecat in the mining area of Asturias, very young I always liked drawing and it was only 18 when I decided to improve and grow as a person and artist From there begins a tour ke I still continued being a good teacher as the painter Jose Luis Varela polecats which I very much appreciate the confidence and support ke got me ready to have confidence in myself to fight and pursue the art I was a few years from 1997...
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