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Artwork description

La motivación permanente y recurrente de la artista es crear espacios naturales imaginarios que acogen a la Mujer y su mundo interno, expresado a través de situaciones mágicas y de ensueño, con elementos recurrentes como árboles, animales, semillas y flores.
Su pintura, en óleo sobre tela se destaca por el uso del color, que refleja la potencia femenina como símbolo de vida y energía creadora.
Artista representada por[-] />

Artist information

The permanent and recurrent motivation of the artist is to create natural spaces that host imaginary Women and their internal world, expressed situations travs magical and dreamy, with recurring elements such as trees, animals, seeds and flowers. His painting, Oil on canvas is highlighted by the use of color, which reflects the feminine potency as a symbol of life and creative energy. Artist represented by www.montecatini.cl

See more information about Sonia KOCH

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