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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Photography
  • Theme: Nature
  • technique and supports: Black and White (Digital)
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: mar, pellicer

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Artwork description

Tu que has jugado con las olas; que persiguiendo gaviotas, horizontes buscabas para luego regresar con la noche.
Que en esas noches estrelladas cortejabas, como loco enamorado, a la luna, a esa luna a la que llamabas marinera.
Tu, que impregnado de sal y brea, eras parte del mar.
Ahora, cansado, miras como otros, alegres y juguetones, ponen rumbos a tus desiertas islas.
Ahora que parece de ti se olvidaron, tú, como antaño aquellas noches de mares bravas, sigues Velando mis sueños.

Artist information

Juan Antonio Pellicerr born in Cartagena in 1957. As l said ... takes 50 years and now seeing things, surely, would need another 50 to count ...".

Aware that tendrtiempo to do so, decided to speak Through his photographs. Of self-formation, like sign as JPELLICER, and takes the world of photography as a challenge, as an adventure.

Occasionally, adorns one of his photographs, poetry, feelings, or feelings.

Restless soul, rebel, maverick who likes to listen to and...

See more information about Juan A. Pellicer

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