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Acrílico sobre lienzo 81cm alto x 100 cm ancho./ El ego construye el mundo. El mundo es EGO. Lo que nos rodea solo es un océano de EGOS. Podemos identificarnos con esa GUERRA PERPETUA O NO. Pero cada uno de nosotros vierte fuera a ese guerrero. Y si lo que vemos no nos gusta es porque así somos todos y cada uno de nosotros: EGOS SIN FIN. como las gotas de agua que forman el mar, el mar de los egos./ Lienzo de estilo expresionista.
M and like the essence of creativity, and throughout my life I felt under the influence of family, friends and professionals. My personal history has been surrounded by creative acts. I am therefore also a creative person, not an artist to use. I have always supported me in my profession as a psychologist, which led me to a reflection on the human being inside, and their behavior and actions. In this context is the work I present here. I must say that for me...
See more information about Jose Francisco González Ramírez