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La luz como sinónimo de creación y sabiduría, enmarcan esta pieza bajo la luz de las velas, de cuya cera derretida van brotando los personajes de quienes registra el gran Escriba. Habrá quienes al momento de emerger salten y busquen su camino, como quienes se quedan acompañándole y ayudando a que nunca falte la luz.
Born in Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico. Although largely self-taught, he took classes with renowned painter Enrique Monraz who incursionaría in oil technique further.
Patrick began his work sketching by hand and then digitally finished arming to help display before shaping it to the canvas.
Managing figurative style, attempts to recreate a magical realism where fantasy and reality are based course.
In each of their parts, trying to convey to the public issues...
See more information about Patricia Sánchez Saiffe
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