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Primer mural realizado en una Cooperativa.
Esta ubicado en la Cooperativa de Trabajo Ltda..”Metal Varela”. Subteniente Abraham 1710, Florencio Varela, Pcia. de Bs. As.
Tamaño: 60 metros cuadrados. y fue realizado en 2006.
Se utilizo la técnica del Látex acrílico de exterior aplicado a pistola, aerógrafo y pincel.
We Backlight Cooperative Work Mural, mural made up of artists, with eleven years of uninterrupted work.
Our plastic activity developed in various public spaces such as squares, cooperatives, factories, hospitals, schools, cultural centers, etc.. As a way to install the art in everyday people.
The content of our work is based on solidarity, unity, fraternity.
Our work and career is on the site:
www.contraluzmural.com.ar, and the blog:...
See more information about Cooperativa de trabajo Contraluz mural