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Dibujo a grafito, con lápices Staedtler mars lumoraph normal y black, difumino, Prismacolor turquoise de 2 mm, japan mono cero redondo y rectangular, pentel 0,3 mm, barra carbón y barra grafito Derwent. Papel Canson Bristol
As says Violette Le Duc, my case is not unique. My art work is based in a point of view about dichotomous thinking and how that configure the perception of reality. I made class in Universities for social Sciences showing this ideas and I use my art work to teach in a no traditional way. I ´m survivor of a mental illness for a long "season en efer" like wrote Arthur Rimbaud, and learn a lot about another states of mind, that learning is reflected in my work.
See more information about Marcelo Sanhueza Vallejos