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The mystery of the artist Ali Zülfikar!
The artist paints Zülfikar Ali - in the tradition of its origins and roots - oriental narrative in Wollcolor with sensually luminous hues. Experience in dealing with Wollfarben he has from his mother and other experts maintain his home. For years, he has the methods used in the manufacture of paints his own further development.
Preferred colors are Red - tones in all shades, with a cheerful, bright yellow sonnigfarbig combined. Often, however, is also a deep blue base its work. As a viewer take the discussion of the artist with the vivid natural colors - colors of plants and of their own materiality and structure true. Some colors like blue, dark blue and green are of special raw materials.
The colors relate directly to the artists from his homeland, Turkey. In his studio he processed them in subtle ways. His colors are so far unique because it is not - as is otherwise common in plants colors - fade, but even after years of keeping its strong Farbausstrahlung.
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