el detalle es que participaron en la realizacion del trabajo alumnas del 5º de arte del liceo nº1. Donde ellas trabajan a la par, y siendo la primera vez que incursionan en este modalidad.
se pinto en vivo. las alumnas fueron Antonella Correa y Paula Aramburu
Victor Fernando Irecio, nascent PaysandUruguay City on 27 September 1975. Curssus studies in this city, drawing with Professor JosLuis Borchers, and was illustrator sanduceras humorsticas publications and newspapers from 1995. Later expression involving the plastic contest organized by Paylana, Collage Workshop and the Daily telegraph, which was selected for a course in Design with Professor Julio Elizalde. From the year 2001 iniciestudios by the National Institute of Fine Arts in our...
See more information about Victor Fernando Irecio Lemes
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