In the beginning after investigation startet, it was beliefed, that this scene represents a homoerotic relation. Nowadays, I t is considered that it shows a scene of a play where the woman is represented by a man (up to date during traditional dances of the mayan people, women are represented by men in women clothes.
Replica: mixed technique, china ink on a clay plate, signed by the author, cross section dimension 27,5 cm, with hanger
The art pieces shown here are (replicas) reprints drawn from the original Mayan underworld petroglyphs found in Naj Tunich caves. The artist uses mixed technique on a piece of domestic clay pottery.
The chambers of Naj Tunich were discovered by the hunter and farmer Bernabé Pop in the year 1979. This archeological site is found near the location of La Compuerta, about 35 km west of Poptún, Petén in Guatemala.
The first human prints located inside the cave --with an extension of...
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