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Un cuadro impresionante. El azul fuerte y brillante y las muchas capas de colores que se asoman, te atraen mágicamente a la profundidad. Esta obra despierta la imaginación del espectador, un juego entre luz y sombra, calma y tormenta. Lleno de movimiento y emociones.
El cuadro consta de varias capas de pintura, que se aplicaron al lienzo con una espátula y que luego se lijaron parcialmente, lo que le da a la obra su estructura.
Los lados del cuadro están pintados para que se pueda colgar sin marco. Los dimensiones son 100 x 100 x 3,5 cm.
La firma fue tallada en la pintura aún húmeda.
An impressive picture. The strong, bright blue and the many layers of colors that peek in between pull you magically into the depth. This image awakens the viewer's imagination, a game between light and shadow, calmness and storm. Full of movement and emotions.
The painting consists of several layers of paint, which were applied to the canvas with a spatula and which were then partially sanded down again, which gives the picture its structure.
The sides are painted so that it can be hung without a frame.
The signature was scratched into the paint when it was still wet.
Slow Art by Doris Duschelbauer
Doris Duschelbauer is a German artist who lives on the Spanish Island Majorca where the sea, the light and the warm climate animates her to create these bright and light-flooded paintings.
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