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tapiz de alto lizo, terminado en forma de canasto para contener flores secas. Realizado con lanas, algodones y trozos de maderas naturales. Dimensiones aproximadas 40x60 cms. Como cada tapiz es una pieza única, las dimensiones y el precio pueden modificarse, por lo que si alguien se encuentra interesado considero necesario el trato directo.
My first contact with the hangings took place when I was little, one summer I spent in my grandmother's house. She was very fond of crafts, or work as they were called then. To distract myself in the hot Andalusian summer evenings, we were together rag dolls, cloth flowers and colorful striped rugs simple. Many years later, in the Faculty, after seeing in art history class collection of cartoons that Goya made for the Royal Factory, or the magnificent Gobelin tapestries in French, I...
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