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El objetivo del fotomontaje es la necesidad de observar las prevenciones del caso frente a una enfermedad cuyo agente trasmisor es el mosquito común el que convive con nosotros todos las temporadas calidas
1956 epidemia de la polio arrecia en la Argentina a pesar de las desmentidas oficiales
2009 epidemia del dengue comienza arrasar en la Argentina a pesar de las desmentidas oficiales.José María Domínguez
Jose Maria Dominguez
Photojournalist laboratory technician
Editora Abril SA
Télam Agency SA
There was once a civilization where the children went out to paint the beads with lime at the time of polio, to face death without asking for Whom the Bell Tolls, the old told fairy tales, short stories that made the identity and the poets dreamed to change the world. There was once a civilization where the children slept in the street, the old walls were between...
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