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fotografia de autor.
El abrazo abriga, cobija,
ama en silencio
acerca el latido del otro corazón
brinda tibieza
permite percibir el aroma de la piel de la persona
que estrechamos.
Produce un contacto prufundo y único
que no se parece a ninguna otra sensación.
El abrazo...
es la manera absolutamente perfecta
para demostrar el amor que sentimos
cuando no conseguimos la palabra justa.
graciela moemi izaguirre
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was always attracted to the arts, drawing and painting. I love photography and just 6 years ago have begun to materialize.
Conencé considering restoring paintings and decorative painting with Monica Carbonell. When I started drawing and painting go through different workshops and seminars with Marta Lemel, Ernesto Pesce at the Museum of Fine Arts, 4 years and currently Fariña Mercedes Umerez Diego.
They all appreciate what you have...
See more information about Graciela Noemi Izaguirre