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Fotografia digital B y N de autoria propia
Todo es ronda
Los astros son ronda de niños
jugando la tierra a espiar.
Los trigos son talles de niñas
jugando a ondular....a ondular.
Los rios son rondas de niños
jugando a encontrarse en el mar.
Las olas son rondas de niñas
jugando la tierra a abrazar.
Gabriela Mistral
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was always attracted to the arts, drawing and painting. I love photography and just 6 years ago have begun to materialize.
Conencé considering restoring paintings and decorative painting with Monica Carbonell. When I started drawing and painting go through different workshops and seminars with Marta Lemel, Ernesto Pesce at the Museum of Fine Arts, 4 years and currently Fariña Mercedes Umerez Diego.
They all appreciate what you have...
See more information about Graciela Noemi Izaguirre