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Artwork description

Cuadro abstracto expresionista. Acrílicos sobre tablero de medidas 20 x 20 cm. Tablero de 16 mm, sin marco. Cuadro de la serie LT. Firmado, con certificado de autenticidad y directamente del artista.

Artist information

I was born on 27th day of the spring month of April 1980 ... in Madrid\'s La Paz Hospital. Since very young I began doing my first pencil and charcoal drawings, always juggled multiple hours of playing football with my friends, in the park below my house in Móstoles, from whose balcony used to poke my mother\'s voice for call me at lunchtime \"Fernando ... up!\" During the school years, in which I was a good student (although not very studious) EGB finished with an average rating of...

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Little 7.9 x 8.3 in165 $
Medium 18.2 x 18.2 in213 $
Big 27.6 x 27.6 in364 $
Personalized7.9 x 8.3 in
165 $

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