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Rustíco,con detalle dorado en repujado minuciosamente formado pequeñas flores doradas,en el interior forrado con pana de color negro y un espejito como parte de el realze de la obra,de la misma manera a las esquinas unos fierritos dandolé un acabo muy natural,luciendo la madera del pino.
C reative and very sensitive art lover. Starting his magical journey through the artistic world since December 2004. Mobile timber, Screens, Decorative Mirrors, Chests, Trunks, handmade candles, boxes, Vitraux False (New Art) Paintings Tables etc. Mixed Media, revealing part of my spirituality, simplicity, warmth and humanity for all the world has to offer, mostly focusing on the art Cuzco AND CREATIONS PROPIAS.Guillermo Fowks Herrera, born in Lima - Peru on September 28.
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