El Planeta es nuestro hogar comùn. La inconciencia del hombre lo està destruyendo, Los ojos de la Madre Naturaleza, advierten de mil maneras...mientras no sea tarde.
Trabajado en base a una fotografìa en Photoshop. Medidas 90 x 60. Su puede imprimir en tela o papel de buena calidad, puede ser a mayor tamaño.
He was born in Melo, Cerro Largo, Uruguay on June 21, 1945. Technical Graphic Advertising (now Graphic Design) degree from the School of Applied Arts in the Universidad del Trabajo del Uruguay. Cartoonist illustrator. Children's book illustrator. Cartoonist. He studied computer graphic design at the School of Informatics studied Visual Communication at the Universidad ORT Uruguay. Yoga Instructor Education, graduated from the Yoga Association of Uruguay. Scholar of pre-Christian philosophies:...
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