Un arbol solitario en lo alto de una colina- todo un símbolo- Minutos depués cayó una fuerte nevada en este mismo lugar. Durante unos instantes pasó un rayo de sol y aproveché para hacer la foto. Malaga de Fresno, Guadalajara (E)
Miguel J. Becerril
* Born in Madrid, Spain, on June 16th, 1956
* Autodidact until the age of 23
* Intense creative period between 1973 and 1980 (650+ works and drafts)
* Art and watercolour courses in Weber State College (USA)
* Computer-aided works 1993-97
* New creative period starts in 2004 (500 + watercolours, acrylics, drawings, etc.)
* Several shows in Madrid, Barcelona. Europ'Art 2007 Fair in Geneve
* Screen shows on performances of literary group Retablo...
See more information about Miguel J. Becerril