Alas de un hada, pintadas sobre madera, y sobre esta pintadas también en dos telas transparentes, creando así reflejos y sombras entre los espacios de las telas.
CURRICULUM VITAE GEMA MORENO GARRIDO Birthday: August 13, 1975 Place of birth: Algeciras (Cadiz) Address: Villa Palma Block 10 7 D Algeciras espaola Nationality Telephone: 856 December 1943 03 / 617 429 487 EDUCATION Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Granada, Rama Plastic Arts, specializing in painting. CERTIFICATE 94/99 pedagogical, obtained in Continuing Training Centre. 99/00 Granada TEACHING PERIOD Certificate at the University of Granada 99/00 - artistic Educacin: Learning and...
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