Descripción: Escultura en arenisca de Bernuy.
Es la figura de un hombre muy delgado, tumbado y enroscado sobre sí mismo. Representa -para quién tenga interés- la conjunción de mi no querer ver la enfermedad mortal de mi padre y su impresionante deterioro.Tallada completamente a mano (punteros, buriles, cinceles, gradinas y maza)
FIRST OF ALL LASEM-please! - With so many double / multiple and conflicting ways not always how I express myself in words spoken and / or written-and / or volumetric / spatial / lumnicamente .. . in my work, even in the shadows as more formal self-portrait that I have now halted. Otherwise, not worth wasting time in reading me. If s ... perhaps not. Ah! And forgiveness for the words ... I like to play. ON My Names ... Maria Luisa Hidalgo de Caviedes SANTAS, officially. Luis Hidalgo de...
See more information about Marisa H. Caviedes