
Life-giving water

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Artwork description

The Monumental stone artwork is an entrance sign of village Belchin and has a function of a fountain. It has been created with the dedicated efforts of ten young sculptures who take part of an art-union ?Shiloto? It has the quality of a symbol of that settlement and promote the natural resources of the region.
The artwork collect two type of different water concentrated toward a single shape and create the image of that two types of unified energy. Two springs entangled in an image of a woman as a expression of the relevant new beginning. Woman symbolizing life, the woman who is mother, defender and saint.
The sculpture was created from artistic team:
A. Aleksandrov, B. Aleksiev, V. Minev,
G. Vardulis, D. Dimov, M. Dyankov,
M. Karastanev, R. Panayotov, Ts. Pepelyarski
sculptor: Ivan Stoyanov

Artist information

Name: Ivan Tanev Stoyanov
Born: Yambol, Bulgaria, 1981


2002-2010: National Academy of fine Arts- "Nicolay Pavlovich" - Sofia
faculty: Exquisite , subject: Sculpture

1995-2000: National High School
of plastic arts and design-
"Acad.Dechko Uzunov"- Kazanlak
subject: Fine Arts

Exhibitions, Participation in and Monumental realization in public space:

[-]012: Participation in project: "Painting from many in the New Year", gallery DPH, Plovdiv

See more information about Ivan Stoyanov

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