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Porque el Arte no es un producto sino un medio que desempeña una importante función social: la denuncia.
Es necesario capturar las imágenes como marcas indelebles para recordar nuestros errores y limpiar el mundo de ellos.
El yo tiene los días contados. Este es el tiempo del Nosotros, un yo numeral, un conjunto de yo entre tantos.
En una palabra: Unoentretantos.

Because Art is not stuff but a way to an important social function:
It's a must to save images as indelible marks in order to remember our mistakes and act for a better world.
The ego will fall in the next days, now it's time for us, or better for a group of individuals among many others or just in one word "Oneamongmany".

Artist information

Unotratanti is only one among many. An individual among other individuals. An escapee from the ego that reaches us, a numeral I, a set of I among the many and builds its new identity. A portmanteau between the individual and the multitude. It is proposed as a painter, digital paintings constructing dichotomous: image and word that cooperate for the purpose of learning. The apparent simplicity is a technique. Sometimes the work itself as a puzzle that the viewer is encouraged to resolve...

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