Home > Artworks > Sculpture Metal > Sculpture Figurative > jjgalicia Galicia > Knight, Death and the Devilt Albrecht Dürer.JJgaliciaMetalRelief

LocationUnited States

Knight, Death and the Devilt Albrecht Dürer.JJgaliciaMetalRelief

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: United States
  • Category: Sculpture
  • Materials: Metal
  • Theme: Figurative
  • Measurements: 9.02 x 12.01 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: devil, knight, death, Albrecht, Dürer

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Artwork description

Knight, Death and the Devil

Master prints\" of the German artist Albrecht Dürer. The print portrays an armored Christian Knight riding through a narrow gorge flanked by a pig-snouted devil and the figure of death riding a pale horse. Death holds an hourglass to remind the knight of the shortness of his life. The rider moves through the scene ignoring or looking away from the creatures lurking around him. He appears to be almost contemptuous of the threats, and as such is often seen to be a symbol of courage.
Death, the Devil, and the landscape are all rendered in a bleakly Nordic manner. Both characters are threatening to the knight, who is seemingly protected by the literal and figurative armor of his faith.

.Topic: Albrecht Durer
Nobre of the work: Knight, Death and Divil
Method: Metal relief (embossed)
Material: aluminum, wood and oil based paint
Size: 9 x 12 x 0.5 inches
Final color: old silver
Author: JJgalicia
Date completed: 2008-2009

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