Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Net Art/Digital Art
  • Measurements: 19.69 x 27.56 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: digital, luna, oscuridad, bruja, witch

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Artwork description

Dibujo digital realizado con una tableta grafica (Bamboo-wacom modelo CTH-470) y un ordenador MacBook Pro pantalla retina de 13 pulgadas. Los colores son colores frios y en gamas azuladas. Representa una bruja bajo la luna.

A la hora de enviarlo, se imprimira sobre un papel fotografico como un poster, y se pegara en un carton pluma blanco de 5 mm de grosor.

Drawing made with a digital graphics tablet (wacom Bamboo-model CTH-470) and a computer MacBook Pro 13-inch retina. The colors are cold and bluish color ranges. Represents a witch in the moonlight.

When sending, it will print on a photo paper as a poster, and stick on a white cardboard pen thickness of 5 mm

Artist information

See more information about Lucia Carbajo Fuente

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Little 7.9 x 11.5 in160 $
Medium 15.8 x 22.1 in269 $
Big 23.3 x 32.7 in353 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.5 in
160 $

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