Tinka es su nombre, la montaña más grande, dicen que es un apu (dios) muy fiero y orgulloso, asi cuentan en el ande, es el apu de toda esta región, se le ve desde muchos kilómetros, su sola presencia sobrecoge el alma.
Hi thanks for reading this story.
I Arone Alexander Martinez, and called me when I was born on July 24, 1979 in my city, Ayacucho (which in Quechua the Castilian would be "Home of the Soul") in Peru, a nation of many colors and cultures.
Always stuck to art, from the scribbles with crayons, play sound with instruments to manipulation of that old Canon with which I start and never stop capturing time in the lives.
Now finishing Communication Sciences, 8 years doing...
See more information about Alexander Arone Martínez
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