
De la Serie: Contraste, #18 - From the Series: Contraste, #18

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Colombia
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Mixed media
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Others
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: pintura, painting

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Artwork description

Mis inquietudes artísticas han girado en torno a la relación que el hombre entretiene con su medio ambiente natural; social; económico y cultural, ninguno de estos desligado el uno del otro, ni de la evolución de cada individuo en la sociedad. Es así como mi obra se convierte, en el resultado de una reflexión, sobre esta sociedad a la cual hago parte, indagándome sobre los modos de vida, sobre sus aspectos tanto negativos como positivos y sobre los símbolos que esta sociedad refleja y encierra, permitiéndome al mismo tiempo fascinar y sublevar con los grandes contrastes y contradicciones que ella confina.

Y después de vivir varios años en Hong Kong “experiencia que ha influido significativamente en mi vida artística y en mi obra” confirmo lo interesante de esta ciudad, precisamente por todos esos inmensos contrastes y contradicciones socio-culturales y medioambientales. Es una mezcla de culturas, que se guarda de manera recelosa bastantes aspectos de su cultura mas profunda, al mismo tiempo que ha sabido bien integrar hábitos de la cultura occidental. Sin embargo, ni los restos de la filosofía confucionista-taoísta han podido parar el crecimiento capitalista, la sobre populación o los altos índices de polución ambiental, cosa que podría parecer contradictoria . Por decirlo de alguna manera Hong Kong es como una mezcla ente la bella y la bestia.

Es así como esos pedazos de cuidad que pinto simbolizan las sociedades que construimos hoy, contradictorias y afines, bellas y aterradoras, verticales y atiborradas. Sociedades con inmensas diferencias, donde conviven individuos afectados por la extrema pobreza y la fragilidad de la cotidianidad, con individuos que viven en opulenta riqueza, acaparando poder el económico y político. Si gran parte de mis pinturas están inspiradas en esta gran cosmopolita es precisamente por lo que ella simboliza. [-]


My artistic interests have revolved around the natural, social, economic and cultural relationship man has with his environment, none of these aspects separated from the others, or from the evolution of every individual in society. In this way, my artwork is an attempt to understand the society that I am part of. I question myself about ways of life, its negative as well as positive characteristics, and the symbols it both reflects and holds, at the same time permitting myself to be fascinated and infuriated by the great contrasts and contradictions that it confines.

After living in Hong Kong for almost six years, an experience which has significantly influenced my artistic life and my artwork, I can confirm how interesting it is, precisely thanks to all those immense social-cultural and environmental contrasts and contradictions. It is a mixture of cultures, mistrustfully holding onto many aspects of its deepest culture, while at the same time integrating some aspects of western culture. However, neither the remains of Confucianism nor Taoist philosophies have been able to stop the growth of capitalism, overpopulation or pollution, which could look contradictory. In a way, Hong Kong is like the beauty and the beast in one.

It is in this way that those abstractions of the city I paint are the symbol of the societies we build today, contradictory and related, beautiful and terrifying, vertical and fully packed. Societies with huge inequalities, where individuals affected by extreme poverty and the fragility of their daily lives, coexist with individuals who live in opulent wealth, and monopolize economic and political power. And if a big part of my artworks is inspired by this Chinese cosmopolitan city, it is precisely because of what it symbolizes, allowing me to reflect on it. [-]

Artist information


Colombian, born in Medellin, where she grew up and completed her university studies. She has been living and working as a full-time artist in Hong Kong for the last six years.


2004: Degree in Education majoring in art
Universidad Bolivariana - Medellin

2001: Degree in fine Arts
Escuela Popular de Artes – Medellin


2008: A close relationship with the space Exhibition – Sala de Arte Comunidad, Medellín


See more information about Maria Isabel Parra

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