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hermoso lienzo,donde el artista,sr.VALDEZ, docente de la Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de Cusco-Perù,mediante claros trazos yuxtapone jirones de estilos pictòricos,perennizando este pedazo de serranìa Peruana Checacupe,oculto villorio cusqueño. / ..beautiful canvas, where the artist sr.VALDEZ, lecturer at the School of Fine Arts of Cuzco, Peru, through clear lines juxtaposed strips of pictorial style is permanent this piece of Peruvian highland Checacupe hidden hamlet Cusco./..belle toile, où le sr.VALDEZ artiste, maître de conférences à l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Cuzco, au Pérou, par l'intermédiaire des lignes claires juxtaposées bandes de style pictural est permanente ce morceau de hauts plateaux péruviens hameau Checacupe cachés Cusco./..schöne Leinwand, wo die Künstlerin sr.VALDEZ, Dozent an der School of Fine Arts von Cuzco, Peru, durch klare Linien nebeneinander Streifen von malerischer Stil als ständige diesem Stück der peruanischen Hochland Checacupe versteckte Weiler Cusco
He was born in the district of San Pablo, Sichuan, Cusco Peru, after leaving his youth in his native homeland, traveled to the provincial capital where he studied painting at the Escuela Regional de Bellas Artes "Diego Quispe Ttito."
1.-1967 Second prize ERBA Cusco.
2.-1968 First prize ERBA Cusco
3.-1971 First prize in national...
See more information about Hipòlito Mamani