Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Ecuador
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Landscaping
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: bosque, camino, chiva

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Artwork description

Este carro pintoresco en mi Patria le llamamos “Chiva”…también “Ranchera”. Lo utilizan para transportar gente de pueblito a pueblito…sobre pedrajosos, polvorientos y empinados caminos. Llevan en sus parrillas desde una fruta de palma silvestre, toda clase de animalitos incluyendo al grande caballo. Es una fiesta en su trayecto. La gente pueblerina irradia alegría, van cantando amorfinos e ilusiones de contagiante energía.

Artist information

QUEZADA Hermel was born in Loja, Ecuador on June 28, 1955 and is based in Guayaquil for 35 years; inicisu ARSTIC career at 33 years (1986). A few years in 1990, won first prize in the National lounge "Luis A. Martinez" in Ambato, one of the most important rooms in Ecuador, giving it a national presence with its artistic expression . Hermel QUEZADA, completely original in its themed, which revolves around humanized animals: pigeons playing musical instruments, singing roosters are the...

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