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Imagino cómo quedarán nuestras orgullosas ciudades cuando, como consecuencia de nuestro afán de guerra o por egoísmo contaminador, bien la madre Tierra, bien nosotros mismos nos haga desaparecer. Este sería nuestro legado. Un conjunto de fantasmagóricos gigantes de hormigón, refugio de plantas y animales.
I was born 35 years ago in "terreta of mon millor. Alicante pro, I inherited the taste for art from my mother, a great artist (who you can see me in the photo). I have always drawn as a tool using pencil and china ink, letting out on paper that came out of my head. Another medium in which he drew a long wooden desk was in high school and college (heh, heh).
Degree in Biology, alternated university studies with a course away from comic book artist, who finished with a rating of...
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