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dibujo a lapiz sobre carton.
Entre turbias aguas
derramo lagrimas de sangre
evocando los viejos sueños,
los anhelos enterrados,
los espiritus canzados,
y el viejo mar, que algun dia cruce descalzo.
este es un profundo sueño
del que no quisiera despertar
no existe el tiempo,
no hay distancias,
todo se acorta o se alarga,
las emociones desvocadas,
ante la inmensidad del silencio
brincan y bailan,
no hay musica,
no hay nada,
solo yo...
y ahora tu.
Sandro Israel López Cortés
(December 28, 1973)
painter, photographer, illustrator
that paint?
because it makes me feel alive.
for those who paint?
for me, my engine has never been the like to anyone.
I want?
complex simple answers to my questions, life.
to hell with intellectual positions.
fuck the curriculum
to hell with anyone who believes that the artist is a prostitute.
freedom to live and never die...
See more information about sandro israel lopez cortes (silc)