Este cuadro en acrílico lo realicé para la portada de un libro titulado "Cuentos de la Cequia honda y otros relatos" y es sin duda la imágen personal que tengo de un escritor. Es decir, un ser creativo que camina eternamente entre las aguas de sus escritos a pesar del desgaste eterno de sus pies de barro.
Mexican simplistic and in constant search of new expressions, and define me as a human being and artist. I was born in the state of Guanajuato, although I have several years of living in Sonora. I studied art at the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara and recorded at the University of Guanajuato. I am also industrial psychologist and professor at the Masters level. My life as an artist, not far from different from many like me are struggling not to give up his vocation despite the travails...
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