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Es una mujer de etnia cobriza, de la Sierra del Perú.
La ténica de esta obra, es Hiperrealista.
En este cuadro se da prioridad a al color de su piel que baña la luz del sol y, tambien se da importancia a la sábana blanca, la cual lleva muchos plieges, para lucir una rica escala de valores, teniendo solo el blanco como base.
She is a woman, an ethnic Indian copper skin of the Sierra of Peru.
The technique as this work is Photorealist.
In this oil painting, priority is given to the color of their skin bathed in sunlight and also gives importance to the white sheet, which leads many folds for beautifully rich scale of values??, having only white, as a base.
See more information about Juan Manuel Cáceres Ingunza
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