mi obra \"Dulce Nacimiento\" representa la Navidad la estrella representa nochebuena, el sol arriba de la casa representa el día de Navidad.
Utilizo el recurso aprendido de los Futuristas para mostrar el movimiento, en este caso la Virgen juega y arrulla al niño Jesus. Como esta escena del pesebre o portal está situada en México, los ángeles le ofrecen sandías y alcatraces al niño.
I was born in Mexico City in 1962.
I studied fine arts in Mexico City form 1983 to 1987.
I have been paintings ever since.
I love to paint animals,women, musicians,children and other themes.
My last solo show ended this October the 19th 2007, here in Mexico City.
I can tell you that my paintings are full of energy, movement,color but above all are full of love.
The statement of my last show was written by Mary Stoppert a well known artist and art expert.
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