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Transcurren apaciblemente las últimas horas posándose suavemente los rayos del sol sobre una anónima costa convertida ésta en un fósil con una más que sospechosa apariencia camaleónica, cuando súbitamente aparece por el horizonte un enorme petrolero, rápidamente y sin más dilación, el fósil un \"TIRANOSAURIO\" cobra vida y oliendo tan apetitosa presa se lanza vil y cobardemente sobre el gigante de los mares. El capitán a punto de jubilarse y ya bastante falto de
reflejos no puede maniobrar y evitar que el \"Tiranosaurio\" impacte de bruces clavando sus garras en las planchas de acero que inmediatamente son mordidas y atravesadas por las potentes fauces del mismo.
Alcanzadas las tripas donde se almacenan los miles de barriles del apreciado \"Oro crudo\" comienza su contenido a esparcirse cubriendo
la superficie de la costa de una extensa y gruesa mancha que aniquila rápidamente toda la fauna y flora marina del lugar.
Finalmente el \"Tiranosaurio\" satisfecho se retira localizando un nuevo lugar desde donde vengar nuevamente a la flora y fauna explotada, desenterrada y mancillada
diariamente a través de unos profundos
y tenebrosos pozos.
(Continuará con el Tiranosaurio 2)--The last hours pass peacefully settling gently on a sunshine coast anonymous converted it into a fossil with a chameleon looks more than suspicious, when he suddenly appears on the horizon a huge tanker, quickly and without further delay, the fossil a \"Tyrannosaurus\" comes to life and smelling so appetizing prey base and cowardly spear on the giant of the seas. The captain nearing retirement and already quite lacking
reflexes can not maneuver to avoid the \"Tyrannosaurus\" impact on their faces sticking their claws into the steel plates are immediately cut by bites and the powerful jaws of the same.
Reached the gut where you store thousands of barrels of prized \"Gold Oil\" begins to spread its content covering
the surface off the coast of an extensive and thick stain that rapidly kills all the marine life of the place.
Finally the \"Tyrannosaurus\" satisfied is removed by locating a new place where revenge again exploited the flora and fauna, unearthed and sullied
daily through a deep
and dark wells.
(To be continued with the Tyrannosaurus 2
Dear Enrique Moya
Linares (Jaén) 1940
In 1957 he received lessons in drawing and painting Eduardo Navarro only a few months due to his advanced age. Gil Castro then, drawing and printmaking teacher responsible for the preparation of future artists to joining the Mint in Madrid, where I studied 2 years.
Years later I got the title of commercial artist and graphic design. alternating with creativity and visualization classes in the arts by the International...
See more information about ENRIQUE AMADO MOYA
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