
La palabra Poeta según John Berger/ The Word Poet according to J. Berger

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Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Others
  • Theme: Others
  • Measurements: 28.35 x 32.28 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: madera, acrilico, simbolismo, posia, caligrama

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Artwork description

\"Al contrario de lo que nos enseñan en la escuela, siempre he pensado que la palabra \"poeta\" es un adjetivo. Un adjetivo que no tiene nada que ver con el término \"poético\". Cuando se dice \"es poeta\" se describe una cualidad que incluye, entre otras cosas, el valor y la sinceridad. Por eso no me parece apropiado autocalificarse \"poeta\". Decir \"soy poeta\" equivale un poco a decir \"soy inolvidable\" o \"soy sincero\". Mejor dejar que juzguen los otros. El lector y sólo el lector puede confirmar si un poema es un poema y un poeta, poeta. Esta convicción, o más bien obsesión, me impidió publicar o incluso pensar en publicar, un libro de poemas, pues obviamente con ello me estaría autoproclamando poeta\".

JOHN BERGER (De ?Páginas de la herida?)

Contrary to what we are taught at school, I have always thought the word \"Poet\" is an adjective. An adjective that has nothing to do with the term \"Poetic\". When \"Poet\" is said, it describes a quality that includes, amongst other things, the value of sincerity. That\'s why I don\'t consider appropriate to self proclaim \"poet\". To say \"I\'m a poet\" is the same as saying \"I\'m unforgetable\" or \"I\'m sincere\". It\'s best to let others judge. The reader only can confirm if a poem is a poem and a poet, a poet. This belief, or better obsession, has prevented me from publishing, or even think about publishing, a book of poems, as it\'s obvious I would be proclaiming myself a poet.

John Berger (Pages from the Wound)

Artist information

Agostinho Manuel Bento de Oliveira was born in Mozambique in 1967. In 1976 he moved to Portugal where he studied at the school of Arts and Crafts ?Soares dos Reis" of Oporto. Since then he?s deeply linked to the world of art, theatre and design.



"Caligrams-Linear Poetry (Apollinaire vs. Foucault)". Mama Ines. Madrid, Spain.

"Lyrics of Fado". Municipal Gallery of Ourém, Portugal.

"Caligrams-Linear Poetry (Apollinaire vs. Foucault)". La Buga del Lobo, Madrid,...


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