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Ahora es el turno de Nina. Ya se sabe, la hembra tiene ese toque especial, esa suavidad incomporable ... para bien del "Fede".
Ah, por cierto, se cuela de rondón el último vástago de los Gatínez. Se trata del Emilio, ese bichejo con cara de alevín que asoma ... No obstante, como los demás, enseguida será presentado en público.
I got printed the cold light of a March morning in the high land of Castile. Here is a proper way for an artist to say that he was born in a village. Spain, province of Soria; have you ever heard of this ?.
I lived there for a few years. Then, followoging life´s whimsical will I finally landed in Madrid. In this city have I my present and, hopefully, definitive abode.
As an artist I haven´t gone through any particular, or academical learning. I mean, to the point to get...
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