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Se encuentra esta plaza en Villanueva de los Infantes, Ciudad Real una ciudad señorial me gusto mucho, participe en el
Certamen de Pintura Rapida 7 junio de 2008 que organiza La Asociacion de Artista Plasticos Arteaga Alfaro y el Ayuntamiento de Villanueva la participacion de los artistas, en sensacional un nivel bastante alto, vendido alli en exposicion
Born in Cadiz. Industrial Delineation Study, Professor D. Juan Bermudez.Curse 5 years in the School of Arts and Crafts Cádiz.El Fine Arts Professor who taught me to draw was Don Francisco Trujillo and paint Mrs Maria Peman. He studied Graphic Design Publiciario. 3 Study. Photoshop. I've been painting and teaching in different Schools and from 2008 participated in Fast Painting Contests, Competitions and Exhibitions
See more information about M Angeles Morales Lema
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